We offer photoelectrochemistry and surface photovoltaics traingis for assitants, doctorate students and regular students. The theoretical traings are readily demonstrated in experimental setup with help of our photoelectric spectrometer and a Kelvin probe system.
We provide the following courses:
(using photoelectric spectrometer)
- 1.5 hours

1. Introduction to (photo)electrochemistry
- principles of electrochemistry
- the nature of electrode reactions in relation to the redox reactions in homogeneous
- introduction to photoelectrochemistry
2. Description of the commonly used electrochemical cells with reference to the experimental
3. Description of the experimental methods (basics, procedures, analysis of the obtained results,
- measurements at equilibrium (potentiometry)
- open circuit potential (OCP)
- measurements away from equilibrium (voltametry, amperometry)
- linear sweep voltammetry (LSV): I-V characteristics
- cyclic voltammetry
- photocurrent measurements
- IPCE (incident photon to converted electron efficiency) measurements
4. Other techniques used for characterization of the semiconductors based on electrochemical and
photoelectrochemical measurements
Surface photovoltaics
(with Kelvin probe demonstrations)
- 1 hour

1. Surface states and work function
- physical origin and properties of surface states
2. Contact potential measurements
- standard approach and modern (2016) improvements
- examples demonstrated on a Kelvin porbe
3. Light assisted discrimintation between type p and type n semiconductors with Kelvin probe
- theoretical grounds with explanation of electron transfers to and from surface states and role of Fermi levels
- experimental demonstration of light coupled Kelvin probe at work